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Special Day

Normally I try not to discuss anything political. I am not a big fan of conflict. Although my guy will say differently, I really try to stay away arguments..but today is a special day- it's Inauguration Day for Barack Obama. He is beginning his second term as president of the United States of America. For reasons I am choosing not to discuss, I did not vote in this election. I am happy that he won because he deserved it. Comparing coverage of other candidates and the image that was portrayed of them by the media or their own campaigns, President Obama was the best choice. As I watched some of the Inauguration moments on the web, a thought crossed my mind. I wished and hoped that my great-great grandmother Gertrude Fort could see this moment - the second time around. She was born in 1896 and I remember the stories she shared with me and finding the old newspaper clippings in her armoire. I was young at the time - well under 10 years old, but she read and explained to me the stories that were told in the papers.

I was not sad at the thought of her because she left this earth at the right time. I could not imagine her being here to witness the things that have went on since she went 'home.' My immediate thought of her was that this moment (today) would be one I would love to see her face as it happened ... Beyonce singing the Star Spangled Banner and the President taking the oath.  It would have been a sight to see I am sure.

I know it has been a minute since I have posted and I have started and deleted several posts. When my mind is set on completing a task, there is nothing else I can think about. I try my best not to be that way. Sometimes I just cannot help it. I started painting my dresser and drawer chest that are in my bedroom.  I have been reading and researching on painting furniture and I had to try. Since we will be moving soon, this will hopefully get me some more time to use my furniture and enjoy looking at it. I will have to come back with photos later. I am definitely loving the black instead of the cherry wood color it was before. 

Scrap booking is still my relax time. I am crazy behind on my project life. :(  I have 2 apps that I save notes on, with and without photos, and they both can sync to my blog, FB, and twitter feeds. I just need to create the pages. I hate getting the photos ready since I have to get ready a group at a time instread of 1 or 2 to make a page. I will finish it though before the summer. That's the goal I am setting right now! :)

Here are some of my recent layouts:

digital products used:

digital products used:
The Little Things: Sweet by Mari Koegelenberg and Sugarplum Paperie
December Blog Freebie Template by Little Green Frog
Font: Whisper a Dream

digital product used:
A Little Joy by Creashens

digital products used:
You Were My Wish by Lauren Grier
Font: The Toolbox Collection v.1 by Heather Joyce
Template: Agave & Lupine Confetti by Sara Gleason

Thanks so much for visiting!!

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